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The Satanic Empire of Enki
Monday, 4 August 2008
Starter Community
Topic: Current Activities
I intend on creating a starter community some where in the midwest united states. Yes, I know that's a heavily xtianized place, but it's close to my current location. The Empire must have it's start somewhere and soon. I am asking all Spiritual Satanists to join me in this endeavor. Any help at all will be appreciated. The community will be mostly underground, leaving plenty of room for Solar Panels and Wind Turbines. We'll start out small maybe only 20 acres. But as I said before the community will be mostly underground. If you are interested in helping please contact me. If we could get 1000 Satanists in one place just imagine the power we would have.

Posted by the-dragon-of-enki at 12:18 PM CDT
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