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The Satanic Empire of Enki
Monday, 4 August 2008
Starter Community
Topic: Current Activities
I intend on creating a starter community some where in the midwest united states. Yes, I know that's a heavily xtianized place, but it's close to my current location. The Empire must have it's start somewhere and soon. I am asking all Spiritual Satanists to join me in this endeavor. Any help at all will be appreciated. The community will be mostly underground, leaving plenty of room for Solar Panels and Wind Turbines. We'll start out small maybe only 20 acres. But as I said before the community will be mostly underground. If you are interested in helping please contact me. If we could get 1000 Satanists in one place just imagine the power we would have.

Posted by the-dragon-of-enki at 12:18 PM CDT
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Topic: Current Activities

Well, can't accomplish anything in this world with out money anymore. So I've been putting back as much as I can evertime I get paid. Also I've started investing it in stocks, I know Father Enki will aid me in choosing the right ones. Also, any donations towards the Empire of Enki are welcome, contact me for information. Any and all money sent will go directly towards the Empire.  Physical and psychic help are also appreciated. It will cost a lot less to build a starter community if we do the work ourselves. Plus we won't have to pay taxes on it because we are a religious organization.  HAIL SATAN! and thank you for helping to create a better world.


Posted by the-dragon-of-enki at 11:58 AM CDT
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Sunday, 3 August 2008
Our Own Nation
Topic: The Empire
Imagine, if you will, a place where you could walk down the street, openly Satanic, and fear no persecution. That is the Empire I am going to build. With the help of each and every one of you. When we are 5,000 strong I intend to move us all to an isolated area, to build up our nation. We will be 100% self sufficient, we will rely on no one but ourselves. This place shall be a safe haven for all of Father Enki's children. We will have our own air travel to bring other Satanists to us. The design of our community shall be on an iceberg scale. Only 10% above ground, this helps protect us from potential attacks and it also saves energy. We will also be the first "green" nation. We shall rely solely on clean energy, such as solar, wind, and geothermal. As well as something special I'm working on. When that something special is finished our energy problems will be solved for good. So, please contact me, you can email me at, or you can leave a comment here. Any and all ideas are welcome.

Posted by the-dragon-of-enki at 11:50 AM CDT
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Thursday, 17 July 2008
A Walk in the Park
Topic: The Empire



NO. Plain and simple this will not be a walk in the park. People WILL die, on both sides. There has never been a clean, deathless war. We, however have an advantage. We will not be fighting only on the physical, and mental fields, we will also be fighting on the spiritual. We will make the world a better place, devoid of the influence of jehova. If you have any reservations about putting your life on the line then this is not for you. However we will win, we will be physically, mentally, spiritually, and technologically more advanced than our enemies. They will cower before our might, and be crushed to dust. 

Posted by the-dragon-of-enki at 12:30 PM CDT
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Sunday, 13 July 2008
Main Ruling Body of the Empire
Now Playing: Korn: Coming Undone
Topic: The Empire
The main ruling body of the Empire will be the Supreme Council consisting of 13 members, including the Emperor. Each member represents a chakra and an aspect of existance. The Emperor represents the aspect of Time and the Crown chakra. The chakras represented by the Supreme council are the main 7, the Temple, Shoulder, and Hip chakras. The teir below that are the Speakers, 4 per councilor. Below that are the Rerepresentatives to the People, 11 per councilor. Following that are the lesser councils, they follow the same pattern as the supreme council. This is important NO POSITION IS INHERITED, NOT EVEN EMPEROR, IT MUST BE EARNED!!

Posted by the-dragon-of-enki at 7:21 PM CDT
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So it Begins
Now Playing: One Winged Angel (Metal Version from FF7 Advent Children)
Topic: The Empire




Well, this is it. My first step in conquering the world in the name of Enki. Herein I shall set forth my plan for world domination. I will not get into specifics, just the general process. If you are interested in joining me, please, feel free to contact me. If you are *ugh* christian, jewish, or islamic I highly doubt you will get a response from me.

If you would like to learn about what it means to be a real Satanist, go to the Joy of Satan link. That's all I've got to say for now. I'll update as often as I can. Hopefully, many of you will be willing to follow me to a brighter future for all the world. 


And may the blessings of Enki be upon you.  

Posted by the-dragon-of-enki at 12:28 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 13 July 2008 12:44 AM CDT
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